Family of James^7 Schuyler Van Wicklin

Photo: (left to right): Isabella (Wright) Van Wicklin, Amelia Van Wicklin, Melissa Van Wicklin, taken abt.
James^7 Schuyler Van Wicklin (Garret^6, Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1
Jeppes), b. 1834, Ontario, Can.
Married: Isabella Wright (b. 1842,
Chinquacincy, Ont.) 23 February 1860
1. Melissa^8 Van Wicklin (b. 1861/2, Colbourne, Ontario)
2. Charles^8 Van Wicklin (b. 1864, Colbourne, Ontario)
3. Amelia^8 Van Wicklin (b. 1869, Colbourne, Ontario)
4. Lillie^8 May Van Wicklin (b. 16 March 1889,
Colbourne, Ontario)

Photo at right is of Lillie Mae Van Wicklin, taken about 1910 to 1920
(A 17 July 2000 letter from Audrey Vowels (daughter of Lillie^8 May VW) questions these dates of birth. The entire letter can
be found on the family page of Charles^8 Van Wicklin but the essential information on this issue from the letter is as follows...
"the dates for the birth(s) of my mother's family are all wrong. mother was born in 1889 so I know the others are wrong.
Melissa was still living in 1960, probably died in 1961 or 1962 so by tht she was probably born in
1880/1870s. Lillie Mae died in 1984 at the age of 95.") (Georgi Sills and I have
puzzled about the birth years of James and Isabella's children given the huge gap between birth
years for Melissa, Charles, and Amelia and that for Lillie Mae. However, there are
other dates from census data for Charlie, and even for Melissa (Van Wicklin) Walsby's children that would suggest the 1860s birth year.
Also, the details in the letter from James A. Walsby appear to confirm the date of
1861 or 1862 for Melissa and it mentions, contrary to information from Audrey, that Melissa died in 1945 at the age of 83.-jvw)
James' parents are Garret and Phebe
(Terril) Van Wicklin
Isabella's parents are Foster and Isabella (Larmont) Wright
Background information:
James^7 Schuyler Van Wicklin (Garret^6, Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b.
19 July 1834 in Brighton,
Ont. He died 24 June 1912 Strong Twp., Ont., CAN. (See death registration below.) He m. Isabella Wright 23 Feb 1860. Isabella was
b. 22 April 1842 and is the dau. of Foster and Isabella (Larmont) Wright. At the time of their marriage, James and Isabella are listed as
residing in Haldimand, Township. (Georgi Sills has letters from her great grendfather, Henry Harrison (James Schuyler’s
brother) that claims he (James) was a musician.) James S. Van Wicklin owned land in Cramahe Twp. in 1860.
Children: All four children were born in Colbourne, ONT.
Melissa^8 Van Wicklin was born 1861/2. She married Mr. Walsby
and they had three children, James A. Walsby (b. 1881), Jennie E. (b.1884), and George (b. after 1884). Melissa divorced
Mr.Walsby and m. Mr. Shingler and had a son, Noel^9 Shingler by that marriage. Melissa died in 1945 at the age of 83.
Charles^8 Van Wicklin was b. 20 March 1864 and died 1938 at Dundonald, Cramahe Township, Ontario. He m. Ella MacDonald (b. 1866, d. 1941)
abt. 1893 and they had a daughter, Opal^9 Van Wicklin. Amelia^8 Van Wicklin was b. 1869 and m. Will Mercer and lived in
Waterford, Simcoe, Ontario and had two children, Bertha Mercer and Claude Mercer. Amelia is listed as "Alice" is the 1871
Ontario Census in the household of her parents, James and Isabella. Lillie^8 May Van Wicklin was b.
16 March 1889 and m. Ed Vowels
and they had seven children: Norman (b. abt. 1909), Myrtle (b. 1911), Leonard (b. abt. 1913), Veron (b. abt. 1914), Clifford (b.
abt. 1916), Arthur (b. abt. 1920) and Audrey (b. abt. 1928). Lillie May moved with her family to Sundridge, Ontario at a very
young age. She became a teacher at age 16 in Oranmore, then moved to Lockerne where she met her husband and they lived the
rest of their lives. Mr. Vowels worked in logging camps and May was the cook and bookkeeper. Audrey (Vowels) Smith and
her husband retired from Falconbridge Nickel Mines about 1987 and live on their parents farm which they bought in 1959.
Surrogate court index -- CS2 115 (Archives of
Ontario) contain surrogate court records for: Charles F. Van Wicklin (15261)
--located by Marg Graham Trottman on 25 June 2002 trip to archives, but not
looked up. It is most likely either the Charles above OR his father's brother, Charles.
Ontario Census 1871
1901 Ontario Census, Parry Sound, Strong -- lists James S. Van Wicklin as
William Van Wicklin, head with Isabella (wife) and son, Charles and daughter,
Lillie M.
Marriage registration R#16361 May Van Wicklin married
22 October 1909 in Burks Falls, Ontario (located in Archives
of Ontario on 25 June 2002 by Marg Graham Trottman and John Van Wicklin, but not
looked up.)
Birth registration R#24837 for
Lily May Van Wicklin, b. 16 March 1889; parents are James Schuyler and Isabella
(Wright) Van Wicklin; James was a farmer, Cramahe. -located in
Archives of Ontario on 25 June 2002 by Marg Trottman and John Van Wicklin
Personal Correspondence with Georgi VAN Sills of British Columbia (direct descendent of Henry H. VW, brother of James),
and Marg Graham-Trottman (direct descendent of James Schuyler VW) of Ontario.
Death Certificate: (information provided in 20 February 2002 email from Marg Trottman Graham)
Van Wicklin, James S. June 24, 1912 Strong Twp., Ont., CAN Reg. 024994 12
Death Registration (information provided in 4 March 2002 email from Marg Trottman Graham)
MS935, Reel 178
Death Registration Number 24984
James Schuyler Vanwicklin
Sex - male Anglo-Saxon
Death - June 24, 1912
born - July 19, 1835
Age - 76 years, 11 months, 2 days
Born - Canada
Residence - Lot 4, Conc. 6
Dr. Andrews
Chas. Vanwicklin present at death
Sunridge, Ontario
1926 Death registration, District of Parry Sound, McKellar,
Ont, CAN
Isabella VanWicklin, English, widowed, b. abt 1840, Lakewood, Ont, CAN and d. 5
Nov 1926, McKellar, Ont, CAN at age 85 years, 6 mos., 12 days. Reported by
daughter, Mrs. Ed Vowels of McKellar, ONT. Isabella's parents were William
Wright (b. England) and Isabella ____ (b. Scotland).
(information courtesy of Georgi Sills via 21 Dec
2006 email)